The Force of the Enforcer

During the five years between blue belt and purple belt, I was the enforcer in the classroom. If you’re a sports fan, you know that in hockey, the enforcer’s function is pressure and intimidation. His role is to set a precedent with the other teams: he sits on the bench and when things get sticky, … [Read more…]

No Trash in Japan

When I visited Japan, the most profound thing that I noticed—and that I didn’t expect in my wildest imagination—was that, in Japan, there were no garbage cans. If my life depended on it, I could not throw a piece of paper away properly. And on the streets in Japan, any place we went, there was … [Read more…]

Increase the Peace
(A How-To Guide)

Those of you have trained over at 13th Avenue know that on Friday nights the neighborhood can seem pretty wild…and Dunkin Donuts is a hot spot—dozens and dozens of kids go there to hang out. So there’s usually some kind of conflict brewing. One recent Friday night, two teens got into it out on the … [Read more…]